Course Specifics:



Course Notes

Course Books



Processing LInks:


Art / Design / Code:

Marius Watz

Generator X

Code & Form

Casey Reas

Ben Fry

Golan Levin

Dan Shiffman

Jared Tarbell


Flight 404

Robert Hodgin



Assignment 1 – Drawing in Processing



In order to familiarize yourself with the processing environment, we’ll start by looking at the basic means of creating imagery in Processing: points, lines, curves, and the shape primitives (ellipse, box).


For this first assignment, you are to use Processing to create a static, 2-D composition. The content of the image is of your choice with the following caveats:


You must use at least four different mark-making functions, such as:

You may optionally use iteration (the for() loop).


The image you create should possess all the qualities you would want from any composition in any media, namely:


With those restrictions in mind, you have freedom to determine the content of the image you create. Bare one thing in mind: You will literally be ‘drawing’ this image by positioning each element numerically. With this in mind, and given the short amount of time allotted for completing this project, it is perhaps not a great idea to attempt something drastically complicated. You probably won’t have the time to program each vertex of every building of a skyline, for example, so suit your subject matter to the constraints of the project.


Some things to consider:

It would be smart to think geometrically for this assignment - we have not yet looked at the functions in processing that are well suited to making for curvilinear or organic forms, so it may not be wise to attempt those types of compositions in the project.

Attempt to leverage some of the things that the computer does particularly  well, for instance transparency, repetition, density, etc.  - even at this early stage, can you make a composition in processing that feels as if it could only be made via coding or though digital means?


Inspiration - some artists working in geometric abstraction that may be insightful:

W.C. Richardson 

Sol Lewitt 

Agnes Martin 

Frank Stella

Jaq Chartier

Geometric Abstraction on Wikipedia 


The techniques necessary for this assignment are covered on pp. 17-37 of the Processing book. (Structure 1: Code Elements & Shape 1: Coordinates and Primitives).


What is due: A static processing sketch to be turned in to the class server (details given in-class prior to due date)

DUE: September 10th at the beginning of class.